

You don’t want to breathe bottom paint from a boat!

Paul turned blue even with mask and goggles!

By Becky

This year our adventure started with a complete overhaul of the Ellie K. We pulled her our of the water to scrape, sand and repaint the bottom. I am glad we dont have to do that every year! We also decided to change out batteries, mattresses, bedding, interior decor and upgrade to led light bulbs. Then, while Paul was cleaning the BBQ, we discovered we needed to replace it also. It has been a very busy month and Paul was afraid we would sink the boat with all of the stuff we were loading onto her but we got all tasks done, things stowed causing the usual port list and we are ready for our new adventure! Paul and Ellie headed out together and I will join them soon.

I am so ready to be back on the boat. The Ellie K really is my primary home and I cant wait to get there. I have a peace flow over me just thinking about it.

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