

Life is certainly Good and with each new Bay we explore another opportunity arrises. We are in Jennis Bay marina and originally we were going to go for a hike and await the slack tide at Stuart Narrows. We stopped yesterday and this place had such good energy that it wasn’t hard to talk us into the cajun dinner that will take place tonight. So the girls are off on a hike and I got talked into splitting some wood and I decided that I wanted to post something.

I needed to say how wonderful of a time I was having and how great of a mate I have found in Becky. She is having a great time and loves being on the boat and has learnt all the task needed to get us to the dock and continues to feed us nicely.

Alas we need to get south and I need to start figuring out how to retrace our steps south. Whatever decision we make, our what stops we make it will be all good.

Giving thanks for a boat that is running good and a boat full of woman I love.

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